Hey Man

Do you want to look really sexy ..  impress me, turn me on  and fit in most furniture’s  … check hover.. it should always be 0.000  when entering bed or device.. 

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Avatar size

Next step the size of your avatar.. yes thousand of L$ on it .. why not get the most out of it ,, and be really sexy.. 

the easy way.. size.. maks size for a sexy male avatar is 2.0.. yes you can be taller but will fit badly in most newer furnitire’s and will sink i to the furnitures you feet will be in the floor all cuddle will look weird.. and to be honest I don’t find giants on 2,52 m sexy, they look all lumpy.. 

Avatar Height

Be my guest and get and get really hot and romantic sex and remember “less is more sexy..”  

romantic sex

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